Kanzanjittoku is the masterpiece among Mori Ogai' s historical novels, and it is also the most famous work of Japanese literature to be based on Hanshan' s legend. However, there is no generally accepted opinion about what the content of this work is, because the perception of Hanshan' s poems is always changing. It is difficult to grasp the content of the novel because of the euphemistic nature of emotional expressions, but we can get to know the writer' s emotion with the help of his Chinese poems which express emotion in a relatively direct way. Meanwhile, through a background study of the dissemination and reception of Hanshan' s poems in the Taisho era, it becomes easier for us to understand why this novel is based on the Hanshan legend and what Ogai' s real aim was.
Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research
Chinese poems
cultural education campaign
the dissemination of Hanshan poems