狂犬病是一种古老的人兽共患传染病。世界上已有部分国家和地区成功地消灭了狂犬病。在我国,每年有约3 000人死于狂犬病。腺病毒作为载体的优点包括高效的入核机制、优良的转染性、较低的病原性、较高的基因表达量及清楚的基因背景。目前,腺病毒已广泛应用于基础研究、基因治疗和疫苗研发。20世纪末,以腺病毒为载体的表达狂犬病病毒糖蛋白的疫苗就已诞生,一直发展至今。以腺病毒载体狂犬病疫苗作为口服疫苗,可望在控制和消除狂犬病中发挥着巨大的作用。
Rabies is an age-old infectious zoonosis. Some countries and regions in the world have eliminated rabies successfully. In our country, about 3000 people died of rabies every year. Adenovirus as vector pos- sesses some merits as follows: efficient nuclear entry mechanism, excellent ability to transduce cells, low pathogenicity, robust transgene expression and clear genetic background. Now, adenovirus-based vectors have been widely used for basic research, for gene therapy applications, and in vaccine development. As early as the end of the 20 century, the vaccine based on adenovurs expressing glycoprotein has been born, and developing up to now. Rabies vaccine, based on adenovirus develpoing for use as an oral vaccine, plays an important role in control and elimination. Here, we reviewed the research of rabies vaccine based on ade- novirus vector in recent years.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine