
傅立叶变换与流体数值计算的耦合并行算法 被引量:4

Parallel Algorithm of Coupled Fourier Transform and Fluid Numerical Computation
摘要 针对傅立叶变换和流体数值计算耦合并行存在的问题,采用两种方式解决:多物理耦合通信方法和二维并行FFTW方法;并对这两种方法进行性能比较,结果表明:当处理器数目少时,采用多物理耦合通信方法计算效率高,当处理器上千时,采用二维并行FFTW方法可扩展性更好;最后,在上万处理机上采用上亿网格测试,并行效率达到50%,并给出数值模拟结果,验证了激光成丝现象. For parallel computation, two techniques are proposed to couple Fourier transform and fluid dynamics. One is muiti-physics coupled communication technique and the other is parallel Fourier transform. By comparing efficiency of the two techniques, it is shown that the muiti-physics coupled communication technique is better than calling parallel FFTW technique as the number of cores is relatively small, while calling parallel FFTW technique is better as the number of cores is over a thousand. Scalability is demonstrated with a parallel efficiency above 50% on 16 384 processors. Numerical simulation on laser filamentation is shown.
出处 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期484-488,共5页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(10935003 61003083 61033009) 国家高技术研究发展计划(2010AA012303)资助项目
关键词 并行 激光成丝 多物理耦合通信方法 FFTW parallel multi-physics coupled communication FFTW laser filamentation
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