LID(Low Impact Development,低影响发展)雨洪调控措施对消减城市洪峰流量,改善生态环境具有重要的意义。透水性路面通过快速入渗径流及减少区域不透水性比例,从而达到消减洪峰的作用。利用SWMM(Storm WaterManagement Model,暴雨洪水管理模型)模拟软件,分别模拟了城市发展前(天然状态下)、发展后无调控措施(普通混凝土路面)及发展后利用透水性路面对2年、10年及100年设计暴雨进行调控的径流过程。模拟结果显示,城市化进程显著增大了洪峰流量,缩短了径流持续时间,透水性路面在消减洪峰流量和洪量方面具有显著的作用。
LID (Low Impact Development) measures of storm water management are meaningful in reducing urban flood peak discharge and improving eco-environment . The porous pavement makes runoff infiltrate into underground fast . Using it instead of common concrete pavement can reduce flood peak discharge in urban districts . By means of SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) , the paper simulates respectively the natural or regulated runoff processes of 2-year , 10-year and 100-year storm in following conditions : in pre-development of urbanization , ie in natural situation , in post-development without any regulation measure , ie only with common concrete pavement , and in the condition using porous pavement . The simulation results show that urbanization process increases flood peak dis-charge greatly and shortens the runoff duration time , the porous pavement has remarkable effect to reduce peak dis- charge and runoff volume.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics