对4个品种薏苡(Coix lacrytruz-jobiL.var.ma—yuenStapf)仁芽前后的多糖含量进行测定,结果表明,不同品种薏苡仁中的多糖含量不同,发芽后各品种薏苡仁中多糖含量均有所上升,不同品种薏苡仁多糖含量的上升幅度也有较大差异。台安农种薏苡仁发芽前多糖含量最高.发芽后其多糖含量的上升幅度也最大,上升率高达24.86%;安国五谷的多糖含量在发芽前后都最低,但其上升幅度也较大,上升率为17.92%;临沂薏苡仁多糖含量在发芽前后变化幅度最小,上升率仅为2.72%。
The changes of polysaccharide contents in the seeds of 4 Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf varieties before and after germination were determined. The results showed that the polysaccharide contents differed in different varieties; and they increased after germination in all varieties. However, the change range differed in different varieties. The polysaccharide content in Taiannongzhong seed was the highest before germination; and the rising amplitude was also the highest after ger- mination (24.86%). The polysaceharides content in Anguowugu coix seed before and after germination was both the lowest; but the increase range was relatively high(17.92%). The increase rate of polysaccharide content in Linyi coix seed after ger- mination was the lowest, which was just 2.72%.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences