在J2ME平台下,利用J2ME的JSR179定位开发包作为开发定位程序的API,用Google API获取地图,以即时获取路线规划中所有拐点的信息,设计出GPS电子地图。该电子地图具有实时定位、兴趣点添加、删除、查询、锁定、路线规划以及离线地图定位等功能。实践证明该软件能在中低端手机中流畅运行,是一款通用的电子导航地图软件。
Based on the J2ME platform, using J2ME JSR179 development kit as the development orientation program for API, with Google API as a map to get instant access to route planning all inflection point information, GPS electronic map is designed. The electronic map has functions of real-time positioning, interest point query, add and delete locked route, planning and off-line maps and positioning. Practice has proved that the software can run smoothly in the low-end handsets, is a universal electronic navigation map software.
Computer and Modernization