

Research on the replica placement strategy based on streaming media server cluster
摘要 网络流媒体服务具有数据流量大、服务时间长的特点,同时,高并发的服务请求会造成流媒体服务质量明显下降等性能瓶颈问题。针对这种现象,设计了一种基于Zipf分布规律的两阶段副本放置策略,并成功应用于某市中小学心理辅导的视讯平台。实践结果表明,与传统的方法相比,该方法具有较好的实用值和健壮性。 The network streaming service has the feature of large data flow and long service ,and has bottleneck problem of performance. For instance, the request of high concurrent service will decline the quality of that service obviously. Aiming at this phenomenon, a two-stage replica placement strategy based on Zipf distribution law is put forward in the research,which is success- fully used in psychological rehabilitation of social assistance service system for primary and secondary schools. The results through practice show that this strategy possesses better practical value and more robustness than the traditional ones.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2012年第16期46-48,共3页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 集群 Red5流媒体 负载均衡 副本放置 cluster Red5 streaming media server load balancing replica placement
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