目的探讨弥漫性淋巴管瘤病(disseminated lymphangiomatosis,DL)的临床及CT表现特点。方法回顾性分析4例经临床病理证实的DL的临床及CT资料。结果 4例均累及脾脏,CT平扫表现为脾实质内多发类圆形、分叶状囊性低密度影,部分病灶内可见间隔,增强扫描囊壁轻度强化,间隔增强后静脉期轻~中度强化3例,延迟期轻度强化2例;1例累及肝脏,囊壁轻度强化;腹部脏器外单囊、多囊性病变各1例,多囊性病变间隔轻度强化;2例分别累及腹膜后和纵隔,病变沿组织间隙生长,呈塑形改变;1例累及胸骨、多发胸椎及肋骨,为多发大小不等的低密度影,部分病灶边缘骨质轻度硬化,增强扫描病灶无强化。结论 DL的CT表现具有一定的特征性,CT检查可确定病变的范围及数目。
Objective To investigate the clinical manifestation and CT findings of disseminated lymphangiomatosis.Methods The clinical manifestations and CT findings of 4 patients with disseminated lymphangiomatosis pathologically proved were analyzed.Results All the patients had their spleens involved,Multiple round or lobulated cystic hypodense lesions in spleens were showed on CT images.The wall of cystic lesions showed mild enhancement,the septum of lesions showed mild to moderate enhancement on contrast CT images.One patient had liver involved.The wall of the liver lesion showed mild enhancement.Extraperitoneal mono-cystic and multiple cystic lesion with mild enhancement of septum was found in one case.There was two patients had retroperitoneum and mediastinum involved,and the lesions infiltrated along the space.One patient had sternum,thoracic vertebra and ribs invasion,and the lesions showed low density focus with surrounding mild sclerosis on CT imaging.Conclusion CT can be used to determine the range and numbers of lesions for disseminated lymphangiomatosis effectively.
Journal of Clinical Radiology