
滑坡涌浪影响因素研究 被引量:18

摘要 滑坡涌浪问题是近水滑坡灾害链上的一个重要的研究内容,长期以来一直是滑坡界、水电工程领域研究的难点和热点。特别是一些灾难性的滑坡涌浪事故的发生,使人们越来越认识到涌浪作为近水岸滑坡灾害链上的一个重要派生灾害。本文运用耦合的欧拉与拉格朗日(CEL)算法采用多种正交数值试验的方法研究了滑坡体形状、滑坡体前缘形态、滑坡体体积、滑面摩擦角及水面宽度等对滑坡涌浪的影响。通过研究发现:对于同体积的滑体而言,楔形体的滑体形成的涌浪最大,且楔形体的前缘角度越大形成的涌浪高度越高,这种影响在近场范围内影响更为显著;滑坡体的体积对涌浪高度影响较大,随着体积的增加浪高呈现明显的增加趋势;在相同条件下,滑面的摩擦系数越大所形成的涌浪高度越小;由于受到阻挡作用,随着水面宽度的减小,涌浪高度呈现增高的趋势,尤其是涌浪爬坡高度有明显的增加。 Study on the hazard of water surge induced by landslide is an important content in the chain of reservoir landslide hazard. The surge hazard is a difficult and hot problem in landslide and hydropower project fields. In this paper, the coupling of Euler and Lagrange (CEL) algorithm and the orthogonal numerical method are used to study the influence of landslide body shape, landslide front morphology, landslide volume, friction factor of slide surface and the water surface width on the surge. The results are as follows. For the slide body with the same volume, the wedge shape formats the largest surge. The larger of the front angle of the wedge the higher of the surge height.This kind of effect is more significant in the near field. Secondly, the volume of landslide has a greater influence on the surge height. With the increasing of the volume the surge height increases too. Thirdly, under the same conditions, the surge height decreases with the increasing of the friction coefficient of sliding surface. Fourthly due to the blocking effect, as the water surface width decreases, the surge height shows an increasing tendency. Especially the climbing height of the surge increases significantly.
作者 徐文杰
出处 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期491-507,共17页 Journal of Engineering Geology
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51109117) 清华大学自主科研计划(20111081125) 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(SKLGP2011K015 GZ2007-10)
关键词 关键词 库岸滑坡 涌浪 CEL算法 影响因素 Reservoir landslide Surge Coupled Euler-Lagrange (CEL) algorithm Climbing height
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