Objectives : To analyze the culturing and drug sensitivity of mycoplasma in female reproductive system. Meth- od : We selected 864 patients with reproductive system infections as the study subjects who were treated in our hospital from April 2007 to April 2011. We used sterile cotton ball to clean their cervical periphery, put sterile swab 1 -2 CM deep into patients' cervix, turned gently for 3 -6 circles, took the sterile swab out, put it into corresponding sterile tube, and sent it for check im- mediately. Result: Out of 864 reproductive system infection patients, 503 were positive in mycoplasma culturing (positive rate: 58. 2% ) , 318 were infected with ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) ( positive rate: 36. 8% ), 31 were infected with mycoplasma hominis (MH) ( positive rate : 3. 6% ) and 154 were infected with UU and MH ( positive rate: 17.8% ). Mycoplasma was sensi- tive to josamycin, clarithromycin, minocycline and doxycycline, and had drug resistance to lincomycin and spectinomycin. Con- clusion: The culturing and drug sensitivity test of mycoplasma should be applied as the routine tests before treatment, so as to provide a guide for clinical medication, to reduce the occurrence of drug resistance, to improve the efficacy and to shorten the time of therapy.
Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
Female reproductive system
Drug sensitivity