
为什么欧盟积极领导应对气候变化? 被引量:26

Why the EU Led the World against Climate Change?
摘要 自美国2001年退出《京都议定书》以来,欧盟在全球气候变化的问题上一直扮演着积极领导者的角色。从理论上看,减缓气候变化是为全球提供公共物品,各国都存在搭便车的心理而会采取不作为的政策。作者对欧盟为何选择积极领导全球行动这一议题做了分析,评述了欧盟气候战略常见的三种观点:特殊偏好论、政治战略论和减排成本-收益比较决定论,指出了上述三种观点的合理性与片面性。作者从恐惧、荣誉和利益的角度建构了理解欧盟气候战略动因的综合框架,并基于气候变化问题的全球性、战略性等属性,提出要从国际经济互动关系中的相对利益角度来全面理解各国的气候战略。欧盟在气候变化问题上之所以能扮演积极角色,这主要缘于欧盟对海外能源进口依赖所导致的危机感、它在一体化过程中为增强自身凝聚力而在气候外交荣誉上的追求以及自20世纪70年代能源危机后由于较早调整而在经济和技术方面获得的先动优势。欧盟在气候问题上的积极态度在很大程度上取决于它在世界经济中的优势地位。国际贸易是理解大国气候战略发展的关键因素之一。 Since the United States refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol in 2001, the European Union has prominently become the leader in global climate politics. However, since fighting climate change is an issue of providing global public goods, each country has incentive to free ride, why did the EU choose to lead the fight against climate change? This paper reviewed three major explanations in the literature, which respectively argued from perspectives of special moral and risk preferences, political strategy, and comparison of mitigation benefits and costs. Then, this paper provided a new comprehensive explanation with elements of security, honor and interests, according to Thucydides’ argument for the incentives of country’s action. Furthermore, given the characteristics of climate change, each nation’s climate strategy should be understood by analyzing its position in world economy. Therefore, the leadership of EU in global climate politics can be understood by its dependence on import of fossil fuel, and the competitive advantage on non-fossil fuel energy source. The conclusion is that trade position should be a key factor in understanding big power’s climate strategy.
作者 谢来辉
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期72-91,158,共20页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 欧盟 气候变化 世界经济 领导者 European Union, climate change, world economy, leadership
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