目的掌握驻黔武警部队军事训练伤的发生情况,分析其流行病学特点及趋势。方法通过"军字"一号系统抽取2006年-2010年所有因军事训练伤住院的病人资料数据并进行相关分析。结果 5年中共有3120名军人因各种疾病住院,其中各类军事训练伤741例,平均发生率为23.75%。每年分别发生例数及占当年军人住院总数比例分别为151(21.79%)、144(23.92%)、169(26.70%)、131(19.79%)和146(27.54%)。骨关节损伤、软组织损伤、器官损伤总的构成比的分别为78.41%、19.03%和2.56%。其中器官损伤所占比例2010年明显高于其他年份(P<0.01),骨关节伤比例有持续上升趋势,软组织伤的比例各年不一,似有下降趋势。结论近年来驻黔武警部队军事训练伤的发生呈高发态势,占军人住院总数的比例有上升,提示在军事训练时要多加防护。
Objective To investigate the occurrence of military training related injuries in Peeple's Armed Police, analysis its epidemiological fea- tures and tendency. Methods To extract the information and data of all the inpatients who got injuries because of military training during the period of 2006 - 2010 through "Military I" system. Results 741 out of 3120 soldiers who participated in assorted military training during the period of 2006 - 2010 suffered from military training related injuries. With the average incidence is 23.75% and the incidence of the five years were respectively 2006 (21.79%), 2007(23.92% ), 2008(26.70), 2009(19.79%) and 2010(27.54% ). The constituent ratio of bone and joint injury, soft tissue injury and organ injury were 78.41%, 19.03 % and 62.56 %, respectively. The incidences of bone and joint injury has a tendency to increase, and organ injury were significantly higher in 2006- 2010(2010 P 〈 0.01), while soft tissue injury is different every year, its incidence seems tend to descend. Conclusion The incidence of military training related injuries rose remarkably in years 2006 - 2010, and the constituent ratio of injuries was changed a lot. The organic and bone and joint injuries should be put on emphasis of prevention during military training.
Chinese Medical Record
Military training injuries
Wounds and injuries
Epidemiological studies