在 1V约瑟夫森结阵电压基准的基础上 ,10 V约瑟夫森结阵电压基准于 1999年底在中国计量科学研究院量子部电压实验室建立。其校准电压在 0 .1V~ 10 V范围内连续可调。校准固态电压标准 10 V输出值的合成不确定度为 5.4× 10 -9(1σ)
Based on the 1V Josephson junction array voltage standard,the National Institute of Metrology (NIM)set up the 1V Josephson junction array voltage primary standard at the end of 1999.The calibrated voltage is adjustable continuously in the range from 0\^1V to 10V.The combined uncertainty calibrating the 10V output of the solid voltage standard is 5\^4×10 -9 (1σ).
Modern Measurement and Test