根据动物运动机制,提出了基于中枢模式发生器(central pattern generator,CPG)的双足机器人运动控制方法;采用Kimura神经元振荡器模型设计了双足机器人的CPG控制网络架构,分别用于控制双足机器人的髋关节、膝关节和踝关节。通过Matlab仿真和实体实验,验证了所设计的机器人CPG网络架构及双足机器人CPG控制方法的可行性和有效性。
Based on animal movement mechanism, the article proposed a bionic control method based on central pattern generator (CPG) to control the biped robot. In this paper, by using Kimura neural oscillator, a CPG control network is designed and the angles of the hips, knees and ankles were controlled by the output of CPG network. Both simulation in Matlab and experiments on real biped robot validate the feasibility and the efficiency of the CPG control network and CPG control method on biped robot.