目的评价6个月内婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足Ponseti疗法的效果。方法回顾性分析我院2007年9月—2011年9月采用Ponseti疗法治疗6个月内婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足54例86足的临床资料。结果全部病例均获随访,随访时间6~54个月,按Pirani标准评价疗效,优良率100%。所有患儿足外观畸形纠正,皮下触及跟腱连续有力,踝关节可背屈达10~20°,跟骨无内翻,高弓消失,无"摇椅足"发生,已行走的患儿足发育及关节功能良好,步态正常,X线表现正常。结论 Ponseti疗法治疗6个月内婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足具有方法简单、效果确切等优点,是一种很好的保守治疗方法,可作为6个月内婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足的首选治疗方法。
Objective To evaluate the effect of Ponseti treatment in treating infants within six months with congenital talipes equinovarus. Methods Retrospective analysis of clinical data of 54 cases (86 feet) by Ponseti treatment in treating infants within six months with congenital talipes equinovarus during September 2007 and September 2011 were performed. Results All patients were followed up frmn 6 months to 54 months. The results were assessed by Pirani criterion, and the excellent rate was 100%. The misshapen feet were corrected and the Achilless tendon was continuously thewy. When its hypodermic was touched, the dorsiflexion degree of anklebone was as much as 10-20°, the calcaneus had no yarns, the high arch disappeared, and no rocker-bottom foot was reported. The foot upgrowth was good for the patients who could walk, the arthrosis function was fine, the gait was natural and the X-ray result was normal. Conclusion The effect of Ponseti treatment in treating infants within six months with congenital talipes equinovarus is satisfactory. It is an effective conservative treatment prefen'ed in treating infants within six months with congenital talipes equinovarus.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy