为制订机车风笛声学性能标准 ,通过对国内外有关资料的分析 ,结合现场试验提出了有关建议 ,即 :风笛声级在机车运行方向中心线左右 4 5°、前方约 30 m半径弧上任意位置上的最低声级应达到 10 7d B( A) ,进入城区时风笛声级最高不应超过96d B( A) ,风笛至少应具有 2个以上的音调 ,低频为( 370± 10 ) Hz,高频为 ( 660± 15)
In order to make standard of the acoustic characteristic of whistle for locomotive,the informations of domestic or abroad were analysied and the acoustic characteristic of whistle for locomotive was tested in site.The acoustic characteristic of whistle for locomotive was suggested.It will produce a minimum sound level of 107 dB(A) at any location on an arc of 100 feet(about 30 meters)radius subtended forward of the locomotive by angles 45 degrees to the left or to the right of the centerline of the track in the forward direction of travel,and that when operated in the “soft”mode(moving train speed the busiest section of town)it will produce a minimum sound level of 96 dB(A)at any location on an arc of 100 feet(about 30 meters)radius subtended forward of the locomotive by angles 45 degrees to the left or to the right of the centerline of the track in the forward direction of travel.The whistle shall be tuned in chords of not less than two harmonious tones and shall produce a multi directional sound.The low frequency is (370±10)Hz,the high frequency is (660±15)Hz.
Railway Occupational Safety Health & Environmental Protection
whistle for locomotive
air horn
acoustic characteristic