为科学指导苜蓿—禾草混播草地的杂草防控,对其土壤杂草种子库特征和田间杂草发生规律进行了研究。结果表明,苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)与无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis Leyss)、老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus L.)和直穗鹅观草(Roegneria turczaninovii(Drob.)Nevski)混播的2龄和3龄牧草地,共有25种杂草,土壤种子库容量和地面发生量最多的是灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum L.),其次为反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus L.)、稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli(L.)Beauv.)和猪毛菜(Salsola collina Pall.)。证实混播方式和比例对土壤杂草种子库容量不会造成根本性影响,但对描述土壤杂草种子库特征的指标变化产生影响。混播对土壤杂草种子库时空格局产生影响,每年6月和8月高峰入库期,由草种引起的变化幅度明显高于混播组合或比例引起的变幅,禾草变幅普遍高于苜蓿,无芒雀麦最易使杂草入侵而激增库容量,混播中禾草比例增加会促使杂草库容量增加,垂直分布上地表层0~5cm库容量变幅最为明显。
In order to control weeds in the alfalfa-grasses mixed pastures, soil seedbanks and weed characteristics in the alfalfa-grasses mixed pastures were studied. The results showed that. there were 25 species of weeds in the second and third-year-old mixture pastures of alfalfa and smooth-brome (Bromus inermis Leyss) mixture, siberian-wildryegrass (elymus sibiricus L. ) and upright-spikelet-roegneria(Roegneria turczaninovii (Drob.)Nevski)mixture. Most of weed seeds in soil seedbank and field were Chenopo- dium glaucurn L. , followed by Amaranthus retro flexus L. , Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. and Sal- sola collina Pall. It was confirmed that the capacitance of soil weed seedbank could not be significantly impacted by the components and proportion of mixed sowing. Instead, the impact on character parameters describing the soil weed seed bank change could not be ignored. Mixed sowing also influenced the spatial-- temporal pattern of the soil weed seedbank. The changes magnitude of the soil weed seedbank caused by the forage species was significantly higher than those caused by mixed sowing combination or proportion in peak storage period in June and August every year. Grasses were generally higher than alfalfa in amplitude of soil weed seedbank. Smooth-brome is most vulnerable to weed invasion. The addition of grasses proportion in the mixture will promote the increase of weed storage capacity, which changes most obviously on the soil surface of 0 to 5cm in vertical distribution.
Chinese Journal of Grassland