岩溶塌陷是我国岩溶区主要地质灾害 ,它和崩塌、滑坡、泥石流以及地面沉降、地裂缝等构成我国六大地质灾害类型。随着我国“地质灾害防治管理办法”颁布和实施 ,不同灾种的风险评估已成为地质灾害防治管理的重要内容。针对城市岩溶塌陷风险评估问题 ,中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所塌陷项目组结合多年岩溶塌陷研究的经验 ,研制开发了基于GIS技术的岩溶塌陷灾害管理与风险评估系统 (GMRS)。本文以水城盆地为例 ,全面介绍运用GMRS进行岩溶塌陷风险评估的内容、方法和步骤 ,最后 ,对风险评估的结果作了详细讨论。
Karst collapse,usually called as sinkhole,is a major geohazard in karst area,and is one of six primary gohazard types in China.Since the Regulation of Geohazard Prevention and Control is being implemented,risk assessment has become a problem facing to most researchers in this field.In the paper,through a case study in Liupanshui,Guizhou,the authors gave a detail about risk assessment of karst collapses.It is considered the assessment should include hazard assessment of potential sinkhole and evaluation of social economic vulnerability.All the work are finished by use of the GMRS,a Geohazard Management and Risk Assessment System(GMRS)based on GIS technology.
Volcanology & Mineral Resources