The Olympic Games is a transmigration form in the human society. The London Olym pic Games in 2012 presents the active state. The Olympic Games is not only a sports event but also has many ultra subsidiary value and Chinese takes it as the belief objects. The multiple Olympic Games has failed to eliminate the competitive factors and improves the Olympic communication value by adding a graceful affair. The Chinese people take part in the Olympic Games as a way of entering the mainstream society in the world. Evolution is the roots of theory in the capitalist world. The modern Olympics thoughts of swifter, higher and stronger is the polar idea. The evolution and the modern Olympic Games are the same kind thoughts. Chinese people prefer to extract the belief elements in all kinds of culture types and the Olympic Games has become a kind of resisting factors of disenchantment in China. The Olympic Games gradually evolves into a belief object in China. The Olympic Games and its spirit has become the great influential elements in Chinese culture in recent centuries.
Sports & Science