
颅内动脉夹层及假性动脉瘤的哲学思辨 被引量:1

The Philosophic Thinking for Intracranial Aortic Dissection and Pseudo-aneurysms
摘要 从颅内动脉夹层及假性动脉瘤的病因与病理、临床表现、诊断要点、治疗方式等方面着手,结合国内外文献资料,进行分析和比较,加深医患对颅内动脉夹层及假性动脉瘤的了解,同时为此类疾病的临床诊断与治疗思路提供借鉴。 Based on data of related literature, we compare and analyze intracranial aortic dissec-tion and pseudo-aneurysm in the aspects of pathogenesis, pathology, clinical maniiestation, diagnosed teatures and therapy theory. Through this research, we hope that the doctors and patients would shed new light on the disease, in the mean- while, provide specifications to the clinical diagnosis and decision of treatment.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2012年第7期10-11,27,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 颅内动脉夹层 假性动脉瘤 哲学思辨 intracranial aortic dissection, pseudo-aneurysm, philosophic thinking
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