
宫颈癌前期病变筛查836例结果分析 被引量:4

The 836 Cases of Cervical Cancer Screening Lesions Result Analysis
摘要 目的:总结分析宫颈癌前期病变LCT筛查结果,为本地区宫颈癌预防提供依据。方法:回顾调查836例参加宫颈癌前期病变LCT筛查妇女的年龄、文化程度、分娩史和宫颈撕裂、会阴切除术等病史,对比分析LCT检查及其与组织病理学诊断结果,对比分析外来务工妇女与本地妇女参加检查情况和检查结果。结果:LCT阳性率为10.77%,准确率为89.89%。LCT阳性者,有分娩、会阴切开术、宫颈撕裂史比例高于LCT阴性者,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。外来务工妇女LCT检出率高于本地居民,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:LCT是本地区较为理想的宫颈癌筛查方法;应大力加强外来务工妇女妇科保健宣传力度,提高其参加宫颈癌筛查的主动性和依从性。 Objective:To summarize and analyze the results of precancerous lesion screening for cervical caner and provide evidence for cervical caner prevention.Methods:The characteristics such as age,education level,birth history and cervical laceration,episiotomy of the 836 participants were reviewed,the results of LCT and histopathologic diagnosis were compared,and the LCT results of foreign female labors and local females were also compared and analyzed.Results:The positive rate of LCT was 10.77%,the accuracy was 89.89%.The proportions of history of birth,episiotomy and cervical laceration in LCT positive participants were statistically significantly higher than in the LCT negative participants(P〈0.05).Positive rate of LCT in foreign female labors was statistically higher than in local females(P〈0.05).Conclusion:LCT is a ideal screening tool for cervical cancer in this area,gynecologic health care education should be enhanced in foreign female labors to improve the activity and compliance for participating the cervical cancer screening.
作者 杨惠新
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2012年第7期1116-1117,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 液基细胞学检查(LCT) 宫颈癌前期病变 筛查 Liquid based cytology test(LCT) Precancerous lesion of cervical cancer Screening
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