目的探讨支气管激发试验(BPT)与咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的关系。方法对疑诊CVA而同时BPT阴性的患者,通过监测呼气峰流速(PEF)日间变异率>20%,给支气管舒张剂治疗,观察临床疗效和肺功能变化,以此判断是否为CVA。结果治疗1周后有3例咳嗽症状消失,9例症状缓解,治疗8周后12例咳嗽症状全部消失,有效100%。治疗前后的PEF日间变异率有明显改善,治疗前为(28.5±6.1)%,治疗8周后为(12.7±4.9)%,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。治疗后全部12例患者PEF日间变异率<20%。12例患者都确诊为CVA。结论 BPT阳性是诊断CVA的重要依据,而部分CVA患者的BPT可以呈阴性。BPT阴性者并不能排除CVA。
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between bronchoprovocation test(BPT) and cough variant asthma(CVA).Methods In order to work out whether the patients are suffering from CVA or not,the suspected patients with bronchodilators was tested and measured the diurnal peak expiratory flow(PEF) variation before and after the treatment,as well as the clinic efficiency and pulmonary function were assessed.Results All 12 patients responded to bronchodilators effectively,of which,3 recruited and 9 improved for being treated for one week.Eight weeks later,all of them recruited from the cough,while the diurnal PEF variation reduced significantly from(28.5±6.1)% to(12.7±4.9)%(P〈0.05).With the diurnal PEF variation of all 12 patients decreased to less than 20%,and the effectiveness of bronchodilators on them,we confirmed that they suffered CVA,even though the BPT was negative.Conclusion Positive BPT is important to the diagnosis of CVA,but some suffers with previous negative BPT.So positive BPT is not essential to CVA.
Sichuan Medical Journal