通过对犯罪数据的分析,结合相关犯罪理论,总结和归纳了以犯罪热点分析、四色预警分析和串案轨迹分析为主的犯罪空间分析技术和模型,利用地址匹配技术实现海量犯罪空间数据的可视化,将地图分块切割分级显示技术即地图瓦片缓存(Tile Cache)技术和Ajax技术与WebGIS平台的强大功能结合起来,提出并设计了基于浏览器/服务器(B/S,Brower/Server)模式的面向服务的犯罪空间分析系统的体系结构和功能模块,并据此建立了某市犯罪分析系统。实践表明,基于WebGIS的犯罪空间分析系统的建立为公安部门驾驭社会治安、打击犯罪提供了高效便捷的工具,具有很好的实用性。
By analyzing crime spatial data and related criminal theories, we discuss some of classical or new technology and model of crime spatial analysis such as crime hot spot, four-color warning, and string of case analysis. Realize the case of business data visualization by using the address matching technology, and also combines the mapping cutting block and map classification display technology (Tile Cache) with Ajax technology and the powerful WebGIS platform. According to these researches,crime spatial analysis system based on B/S (Brower/Server) model was designed and established. It has been found that the system is an effective and practical tool for the public security department to control social order and fight against crime.
Computer Systems & Applications