In a geological analogous study, the Middle and Upper Cambrian rocks from the northern Xingde fault of the Kuruk Tag area, northeastern Tarim Basin, were systematically investigated. These rocks consist of shallow marine platform carbonate rocks, with extensive dolomitization, and show signifi-cant differences from the Cambrian hydrothermal dolostones (HTD) in the Western Canada Basin. The Canadian dolostones are genetically related to fractures and breccia zones partially to completely including the fractures and presumably formed due to hydrothermal fluids expelled from the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt during the Laramide orogen. In contrast, the hydrothermal dolostones (HTD) in the stud- ied Tarim Basin were formed as the result of hydrothermal fluid infiltration and alteration associated with deep-burial diagenesis, possibly controlled by recirculation of formation water in the strike-slip fault zones during the Late Permian (Late Hercynian) in northeastern Tarim Basin. According to the texture, six types of dolostones can be differentiated, including: (1) silt-sized dolostone, (2) fine-medium crystal- line dolostone, (3) medium-coarse crystalline dolostone, (4) fine-crystalline dolostone with bright rims and dark cores, (5) saddle dolostone and (6) fracture and vug-lining dolostones, coarse or saddle do- lostones. These dolostones form a complete sequence of diagenesis, starting with dolomicrite, and fine-medium crystalline dolostone as the early replacement of calcilutite at shallow-burial, followed by coarse and heterogeneous medium-coarse crystalline dolostone as the result of recrystallization at elevated tempera- tures in deep-burial, and then saddle dolostone and fracture and vug-lining coarse or saddle dolomite pre- cipitated directly from re-circulated hot formation water. The HTD identified in the Tarim Basin samples display distinct coarse non-planar sucrosic textures, with few intracrystalline pores, intercrystalline disso- lution pores. At least four p
Journal of Palaeogeography:Chinese Edition