In order to accurately evaluate the validity of cloud boundary heights retrieved from relative humidity profiles, this paper quantitatively compares the retrievals of cloud-base and cloud-top heights based on COSMIC and radiosonde data from January 2008 to January 2009 with those from both CloudSat and CALIPSO, and refers the collaborative sounding results from CloudSat and CALIPSO as a benchmark. The results show that CloudSat, COSMIC and radiosonde have quite different detection results for high-level clouds. COSMIC and radiosonde have comparatively close cloud detection efficiency but COSMIC has better detection quality than radiosonde. Similarly, COSMIC has better consistency with CloudSat than radiosonde for occurrence frequency of different clouds along the height direction. The retrieval accuracy ofcloud-base heights over land and ocean is larger than that of cloud-top heights for both COSMIC and radiosonde and it is related to cloud-layer heights. COSMIC and radiosonde have different retrieval advantages for cloud boundary heights of different types of clouds, and the occurrence frequency of cloud-base heights from CloudSat agrees well with that from both COSMIC and radiosonde but COSMIC has better consistency with CloudSat for cloud-top heights than radiosonde. Cloud boundary heights from CloudSat decrease with increasing latitudes and retrieval biases with COSMIC and radiosonde are larger at low latitudes and smaller at middle and high latitudes, and the retrieval biases have different seasonal variation regularities. In addition, the proportions of low-level clouds among the lowest layer clouds become smaller from winter to summer while the proportions of clouds whose cloud-top heights are larger than 10 km among the highest layer clouds increase gradually from winter to summer.
Chinese Journal of Geophysics