
HLA匹配同胞供者异基因造血干细胞移植治疗重型再生障碍性贫血41例疗效分析 被引量:11

Outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation from HLA-matched sibling donor for 41 cases of severe aplastic anemia
摘要 目的评价人组织相容性抗原(HLA)匹配同胞供者异基因造血干细胞移植(MSDallo—HSCT)治疗重型再生障碍性贫血(SAA)的疗效。方法回顾性分析2003年5月至2011年5月接受MSDallo—HSCT治疗的41例SAA患者临床资料。男24例、女17例,中位年龄23(5~41)岁。SAA—I型患者28例,SAA一Ⅱ型9例,肝炎后再生障碍性贫血4例。异基因骨髓移植(allo—BMT)17例,异基因外周血干细胞移植(allo-PBSCT)24例。预处理方案:环磷酰胺(CY)+抗人胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)+氟达拉滨(Flu)20例,CY+ATG+Flu+阿糖胞苷(Ara—C)±白消安(Bu)或马法兰(Mel)21例。移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)预防方案:环孢素(CsA)加短疗程甲氨蝶呤(MTX)25例,他克莫司(FK506)加短疗程甲氨蝶呤(MTX)16例。回输CD34’细胞中位数:allo—BMT组患者3.48(2.39~4.80)×10。/kg,allo—PBSCT组患者2.95(1.27~5.98)X10。/kg。结果41例患者移植后均获得造血重建,中性粒细胞(ANC)恢复至I〉0.5×10’/L的中位时间为移植后14(10—23)d,PLT恢复至〉120X10’/L的中位时间为移植后19(8~38)d。12例(29.3%)患者发生急性GVHD(aGVHD),其中I~Ⅱ度11例、Ⅳ度1例。2例患者发生慢性GVHD(cGVHD),局限型与广泛型cGVHD各1例。4例(9.8%)患者出现移植排斥(GR),行供者外周血干细胞输注后均恢复造血并存活。41例患者中死亡5例(12.2%):1例死于广泛型cGVHD、4例死于侵袭性真菌感染(IFI)。中位随访23(3~79)个月,36例患者生存,预期5年总体生存(OS)率为(81.14-9.O)%、无病生存(DFS)率为(68.4±11.0)%、移植相关死亡(TRM)率为(18.9±9.0)%。单因素分析结果显示移植后OS较低与选用PBSCT、发生aGVHD、回输CD34’细胞数量≤2.5×106~/kg、移植前输注红细胞〉30U及移植后发生IFI Objective To evaluate the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) from HLA-matched sibling donor( MSD allo-HSCT) for severe aplastic anemia (SAA). Meth- ods The clinical data of 41 SAA patients received MSD allo-HSCT from May. 2003 to Aug. 2011 were ana- lyzed retrospectively. 24 patients were male, 17 were female. Median age was 23(5 -43)years old. 28 pa- tients had SAA- I ,9 had SAA- lI , and 4 had post-hepatitis aplastic anemia. 17 patients received allogeneic bone marrow(BM) transplantation( allo-BMT), and 24 received allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell(PBSC) transplantation (allo-PBSCT). The conditioning regimens: 20 patients received cyclophosphamide (CY) +anti-thymocyte globulin(ATG) + fludarabine( Flu), 21 received CY + ATG + Flu + cytarabine(Ara-C) _+ busul- fan (Bu)/melphalan(Mel). Prophylaxis for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) : 25 paitents received cyclospo- rine (CSA) plus short-term methotrexate (MTX) , 16 received tacrolimus ( FKS06 ) plus short-term MTX. The median number of infused CD34 + cells were 3.48 (2.39 - 4.80) ~ 106/kg in allo-BMT and 2.95 ( 1.27 - 5.98 ) x 106/kg in allo-PBSCT, respectively. Results Hematopoietic reconstitution was observed in all 41 patients ( 100% ). The median time of neutrophils(ANC) reached to 0.5 x 109/L and platelets(PLT) reached to 20 x 109/L were 14 ( 10 - 23 ) days and 19 ( 8 - 38 ) days, respectively. 12 patients developed acute GVHD ( aGVHD), out of which 11 developed grade I - 11 aGVHD, and one developed grade IV. 2 patients occurred chronic GVHD( cGVHD), out of which one with local cGVHD and the other with extensive. 4 patients occurred graft re- jection( GR), all of them recovered haemopoiesis and survived after donor PBSC infusion. 5 patients( 12.2% ) died, out of which one died of extensive cGVHD, and 4 died of invasive fungal infections(IFI). Median follow- up time was 23 (3 -7
出处 《中华血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期610-614,共5页 Chinese Journal of Hematology
基金 天津市自然科学基金(10JcYBJcl3100) 卫生部卫生行业科研专项(201202017)
关键词 贫血 再生障碍性 造血干细胞移植 同胞供者 Anemia, aplastic Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Sibling donor
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