引入新的一组带参数 p( p∈ [0 ,1 ])的 t-范∧p,t-余范∨ p 和蕴涵 θp,讨论它们的基本性质。在此基础上研究参数 Kleene系统 Kp 与三值 Kleene系统 K3,三值 Lukasiewicz系统 L3和经典二值系统 B2 关于 (广义 )重言式的相互关系 ,指出系统 Kp 对广义重言式而言是可判定的。
In this paper,we introduce a new group of t norm ∧ p,t conorm ∨ p and implication θ p with respect to a parameter p in [0,1] and discuss its elementary properties. Based on this group of operators,we investigate the parametric Kleene’s system K p and the relation to Kleene’s 3 valued system K 3, Lukasiewicz’ 3 valued system L 3 and the classical system B 2 on generalized tautologies. We prove that the parametric Kleene’s system K p is decidable for generalized tautology.
Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
国家自然科学基金!(69873 034)