目的评价合作市藏族人群的碘营养状况,为藏族地区碘缺乏病提供依据。方法随机抽取未孕育龄妇女(18~40岁)、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、8~10岁学龄儿童(男女各半)及20~50岁成年男性,采集随机一次性尿样,用过硫酸铵消化—砷铈催化分光光度方法(WS/T107-2006)测定尿碘。结果合作市未孕育龄妇女、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、8~10岁学龄儿童及成年男性的尿碘中位数分别为138.75 μg/L、155.34 μg/L、211.92 μg/L、184.12 μg/L和232.50 μg/L,尿碘<50 μg/L的比例均<20%,<100 μg/L的比例<50%,学生尿碘中位数与其他组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。育龄妇女、成年男性和学龄儿童在100~200 μg/L适宜范围的比例分别53.0%、45.6%和27.5%,孕妇和哺乳期妇女尿碘在150~250 μg/L适宜范围的比例分别为34.5%和33.7%,<150 μg/L的比例分别为46.5%和35.9%。结论 5种重点人群的尿碘中位数都达到了相应的推荐标准,但尿碘在适宜范围内的比例在30%~50%之间,育龄妇女仍然是碘缺乏病最需要关注的人群。藏族地区碘缺乏病防治工作应结合不同地区(农区或牧区)、不同生活方式和不同重点人群及其膳食等情况,有针对性地科学补碘,才能使藏族地区人群的碘营养状况达到平衡。
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the iodine nutrition status of Tibetan populations in Hezuo City of Gansu Province in 2010. METHODS The unpregnancy women, pregnant women, lactating women, 8-10 years children and adult male were selected randomly from two towns. The urinary iodine(UI)were determined by As3+-Ce4+ catalytic spectrophotometry(WS/T 107-2006).RESULTS The median urine iodine (MUI) among unpregnancy women, pregnant women, lactating women, 8-10 years children and adult male were 138.75μg/L, 155.34 μg/L, 211.92μg/L, 184.12 μg/L and 232.50 μg/L respectively, the percentage of UI lower than 50μg/L among the population was all less than 20%, and lower than 100 μg/L all less than 50%. The UI proportion between 100μg/L and 200 μg/L were 53.0%,44.6% and 27.5% among un-pregnancy women, and adult male and 8-10 years children, which betweenl50 μg/L and 250 μg/L were 34.4% and 33.7%, less than the 150μg/L were 46.5% and 35.9% among pregnant women and lactating women. CONCLUSIONS The urine iodine level was up to the reference value recommended, but UI proportion of a appropriate range was 30- 50%, childbearing age women was vulnerable population of iodine deficiency disease. It should be combined with different area(rural or pastoral), a different life ways, different target groups and dietary conditions et al to make scientific iodine supplementation for iodine nutrition balance of Tibetan population in Tibetan areas.
Chinese Primary Health Care
2010年甘肃卫生行业科研计划项目(GSW ST2010-29)
Tibetani iodine