目的连续测定肱二头肌肌腹在收缩过程中的杨氏模量值,探讨肱二头肌肌腹收缩过程中杨氏模量测值随时间变化曲线的生理学意义。方法使用法国Supersonic Imagine公司的AixPlorer型实时定量剪切波弹性成像诊断仪,将L4-15线阵探头置于肱二头肌肌腹纵断面,启动仪器剪切波弹性成像(SWE)模式,连续记录肱二头肌收缩过程的组织弹性图,然后通过电影回放,使用其定量分析系统Q-BOX,取样区为直径3、8、10mm同心圆,每隔10帧测量1次杨氏模量值,共测20次,其中前10次为收缩前,后10次为收缩时。根据20次测量值绘制出肱二头肌肌腹收缩过程中杨氏模量测值随时间变化的曲线。结果 Q-BOX取样区直径为3 mm时,收缩前与收缩时杨氏模量均值分别为(31.48±2.25)、(83.10±23.46)kPa;Q-BOX取样区直径为8 mm时,收缩前与收缩时杨氏模量均值分别为(34.19±2.26)、(94.41±27.73)kPa;Q-BOX取样区直径为13 mm时,收缩前与收缩时杨氏模量均值分别为(36.96±2.35)、(103.21±36.96)kPa。杨氏模量测值随时间变化的曲线表明,肱二头肌肌腹收缩过程中,杨氏模量测值逐渐增大,从最小值到最大值之间呈上升斜率。结论肱二头肌肌腹收缩前与收缩时杨氏模量均值不同;剪切波弹性成像技术具有足够的灵敏度,可实时检测肱二头肌肌腹收缩过程中的杨氏模量值;肱二头肌肌腹收缩过程中,杨氏模量测值随时间变化的曲线与生理学从分子水平描述的骨骼肌收缩特征相符。
Objective To explore the physiological significance of the the correlation curve of Young’ s modulus versus time by continuous determination of Young’ s modulus of the biceps brachii muscle belly in the muscle contraction process.Methods A shear-wave elastography(SWE)(AixPlorer model,Supersonic Imagine,Aix en Provence,France) coupled with a linear array transducer(4-15 MHz) was used.The ultrasound probe was placed in the cross-section of the biceps brachii muscle belly,then the scanner was set at the SWE mode.The tissue elasticity map of the biceps brachii was recorded during the muscle contraction process, then the record was replayed at movie mode.The Q-BOX quantitative analysis system was used and the diameters of sampling area were set as 3,8 and 10 mm respectively like a concentric circle(similar to the target ring).Finally,Young’ s modulus was measured once every 10 frames.Young’ s modulus was totally measured 20 times,with the first 10 times detected before the muscle contraction and the final 10 times detected during the muscle contraction process.The correlation curve of Young’ s modulus versus time by continuous determination of Young’ s modulus of the biceps brachii muscle belly in the muscle contraction process was protracted according to the measured values of all the 20 times.Results When the diameter of Q-BOX sampling area was set as 3 mm,the average Yang’ s modulus before muscle contraction was(31.48±2.25)kPa and during the muscle contraction process was (83.10±23.46 ) kPa;When the diameter of Q-BOX sampling area was set as 8 mm,the average Yang’ s modulus before muscle contraction was(34.19±2.26) kPa and during the muscle contraction process was(94.41±27.73) kPa;When the diameter of Q-BOX sampling area was set as 13mm,the average Yang’ s modulus before muscle contraction was(36.96±2.35)kPa and during the muscle contraction process was(103.21±36.96 ) kPa.The correlation curve of Young’ s modulus versus time showed that during the co
Shanghai Medical Imaging
Shear-wave elastography; Young’ s modulus; Skeletal muscle; Muscle tension; Myotility;