
体育消费的属性、概念体系及其边界 被引量:24

The Attribute,Conceptualizing System and Boundary of Sports Consumption
摘要 为进一步了解体育消费的本质特征,通过广泛运用文献资料法、归纳与演绎等方法对体育消费的属性、概念体系及其边界进行系统的逻辑分析。结果表明:综合体育消费的自然属性、主观属性、经济属性、社会属性、文化属性与符号属性,体育消费广义的概念是指消费者在选择、购买、使用和处理体育产品与服务过程中所引起的一切现象和关系的总和。狭义的概念则主要涉及2种概念体系:一种是作为行为过程的概念体系来反映一种心理或经济现象;另一种是作为活动过程的概念体系来反映一种集经济、心理、文化和社会等综合性现象。后者的边界较之前者要宽泛,研究的内容也更丰富。进一步的结构性和层级性边界测定表明,普通意义上理解的体育消费边界主要涉及探讨在全民健身计划指导下社会各阶层在闲暇时间内参与体育活动的大众体育消费,而不是涉及为实现奥运金牌争光计划的竞技体育消费、保家卫国的军事体育消费,以及满足特殊群体需求的体育消费。 In order to explore the essential property of sports consumption, the attribute, conceptualizing system and the boundary of sports consumption has been systematically and logically analyzed by extensive means of documentation, induction and deduction etc. It has been revealed from the result that, considering the integration of the natural attribute, subjective attribute, economic attribute, social attribute, cultural attribute and symbol attribute, the general concept of sports consumption is referred to the sum- mation of all phenomenon and relation caused by the consumer's choosing, purchasing, applying, and deal- ing with sports products or service process. In narrow sense, it mainly involves two conceptualizing sys- tem,one of which is to reflect a kind of psychological or economical phenomenon as the conceptualizing system of behavior process, and the other one of which to reflect a comprehensive phenomenon of econo- my, psychology, culture and society as the conceptualizing system of activity process. The boundary of the latter is much broader than the former, and the research contents are more abundant. The further struc tural and hierarchical boundary measurement indicates that, the boundary of sports consumption, in com- mon sense, mainly involves the mass sports consumption of all orders of society during sports activities in leisure time under the guidance of national fitness program, rather than the competitive sports consump tion of realizing the Olympic Glorious Program, the military sports consumption of defending the motherland,and the sports consumption of meeting the need of the particular group.
作者 代刚
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 北大核心 2012年第4期340-345,349,共7页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 国家社会科学基金(11CTY028)
关键词 经济 体育经济 体育消费 概念体系 属性关系 economic sports evonavics sport consumption conceptualizing system attribute relationship
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