The electronic structure and its effect on the average intercalation voltage for metal-doped LiMn204 lithium-ion cathode materials were obtained by a density functional theory study. The electron density difference in the lithium intercalation process shows that O and Mn atoms accept the electrons do- mated from Li atoms and the former is dominated. The A1- and Sc- doped LiMn204 ,namely the substitu- tion of Mn by a certain amount of AI3+ or Sc9 + , have higher average intercalation voltage, due to that AI3+ and Sc3+ do not participate in electronic exchange during the process of Li intercalation. Furthermore, the A1 or Sc doping can significantly increase the stability while reducing material density. As a consequence, AI3+ and Sc+ cations may serve as good lithium-ion cathode doping materials.
Applied Chemical Industry