
可证明安全的无中心授权的多授权属性签名 被引量:4

Provable Secure Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Signature without a Central Authority
摘要 设计了无需中心授权机构的多授权签名方案,将用户的多个属性由不同的授权机构分别管理。与往常的多授权机构密码体制不同,不需要一个可信的中心授权机构来管理和约束多个授权机构,而是可信授权机构的数量达到一定值就能保证整个系统的安全性,提高了系统的实用性。采用归约的可安全证明方法证明该方案的安全性归约为计算Diffie-Hellman难题、分布式密钥生成协议(DKG)和联合的零秘密共享协议(JZSS)的安全性,从而说明该方案有存在性、不可伪造和抗合谋攻击的安全特性。 In attribute-based cryptosystem, many attributes of a user were monitored by a single authority, which would inevitably increase its workload and reduce its efficiency. In this paper, a multi-authority signature scheme without a central authority is proposed. In this scheme, many attributes of a user are monitored by many different authorities respectively, in stead of a trusted central authority. The scheme increases the system's applicability. The security of this scheme is proved equal to computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem. So the scheme has two characteristics of existential unforgeability and security preventing collusion attack.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期552-556,共5页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(61072140) 高等学校创新引智计划(B08038)
关键词 基于属性 CDH难题 中心授权机构 合谋攻击 多授权机构 attribute-based CDH/problem central authority collusion attack multi-authority
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