[目的]确定冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)各生育阶段合理灌排的水位调控指标。[方法]以农田水位作为冬小麦田间灌排调控指标,以理论分析和数值计算为手段,利用灰色关联投影评价模型,优选出冬小麦各生育阶段合理的农田水位。控水分4个时期,每个时期3个处理,共设12个处理,每个时期1个对照。返青-分蘖期,处理1、2、3分别为50 mm(1 d)(5 d-200 mm)(田面淹水50 mm,淹水历时为1 d,淹水结束后,水位在5 d内逐渐降至地下水位200 mm,以下依次类推)、-100 mm(5 d)(5 d-400 mm)、-100 mm(5 d)(5 d-600 mm),对照CK为﹤-600 mm;拔节孕穗期,处理4、5、6分别为100 mm(1 d)(5 d-400 mm)、-200 mm(3 d)(5 d-600 mm)、-200mm(3 d)(5 d-800 mm),对照CK为﹤-800 mm;抽穗开花期,处理7、8、9分别为100 mm(1 d)(5 d-400 mm)、-200 mm(3 d)(5 d-600 mm)、-200 mm(3 d)(5 d-800 mm),对照CK为﹤-800 mm;乳熟期,处理10、11、12分别为100 mm(1 d)(5 d-400 mm)、-200 mm(3 d)(5 d-600 mm)、-200 mm(3 d)(5 d-800 mm),对照CK为﹤-800 mm。[结果]按照灰色关联投影值对各处理进行分生育期排序为:分蘖期,处理1>处理2>处理3;拔节孕穗期,处理4>处理6>处理5;抽穗开花期,处理7>处理8>处理9;乳熟期,处理10>处理11>处理12。[结论]冬小麦各生育阶段最优水位选择为:分蘖期,50 mm(1 d)(5 d-200 mm);拔节孕穗期,100 mm(1 d)(5 d-200mm);抽穗开花期,100 mm(1 d)(5 d-400 mm);乳熟期,100 mm(1 d)(5 d-400 mm)。
[ Objective ] To determine the growth stage and reasunahle irrigation and drainage water level control indicator of winter wheat. [ Method ] The research aims to optimizate reeasonable field water level at different growth stages of winter wheat with the method of theory analysis and mathematical calculation, by taking field water level as the indicator of control irrigation and drainage in winter wheat, using grey relation projection model. [ Result ] The grey relation projection values of different growth stages decrease in the order: Treatment 1 〉 Treatment 2 〉 Treatment 3 at filleting stage; Treatment g Treatment 〉6 Treatment 〉 5 at jointing-booting stage; Treatment 7 〉 Treatment 8 〉 Treatment 9 at heading and flowering stage ; Treatment 10 〉 Treatment 11 〉 Treatment 12 at milky stage. [ Conclusion ] The optimal level of winter wheat stage is: it is 50 nun( 1 d) (5 d - 200 mm) at tillering stage which means field surface flooding 50 mm lasts 1 d, the field water level in the 5 d gradually dropped to underground wa- ter level 200 nun after the flood ; it is 100 mm(1 d)(5 d -200 mm) at jointing-booting stage which means field surface flooding 100 nun lasts 1 d, the field water level in the 5 d gradually dropped to underground water level 200 mm after the flood; it is 100 mm(1 d)(5 d -400 mm) at heading and flowering stage which means field surface flooding 100 mm lasts 1 d, the field water level in the 5 d gradually dropped to undergrotmd water level 400 mm after the flood; it is 100 mm(1 d)(5 d -400 mm) at milky stage which means field surface flooding 1130 mm lasts 1 d, the field water level in the 5 d gradually dropped to underground water level 400 mm after the flood.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Winter wheat
Grey relation projection method
Control drainage
The optimal level