目的了解目前美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)门诊服药人员多药滥用的情况及其影响因素。方法在重庆、广东、江苏三省市6个MMT门诊,选取1 202名符合条件的服药人员进行尿液吗啡、冰毒、摇头丸、苯二氮卓类、丁丙诺啡定性检测和问卷调查,收集一般情况、多药滥用情况等信息。结果 1 202名调查对象平均年龄(39.7±6.8)岁,75.7%为男性,初中及以下文化程度占62.5%,56.7%没有工作。平均吸食海洛因年限(15.6±4.8)年。在MMT期间经常偷吸海洛因的人数有156人(占13.0%),最近6个月其他物质滥用人数达到426人(占35.4%)。所在地区、职业、与家人关系、美沙酮平均剂量、其他物质滥用等,对经常偷吸海洛因的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05);所在地区、职业、有无临时性伴、参加MMT时间、参加MMT之前是否有其他物质滥用、是否经常偷吸海洛因等,对其他物质滥用的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 MMT门诊服药人员中偷吸海洛因和滥用其他多种药物的现象比较普遍,要加强对多药滥用现象的干预,以提高美沙酮维持治疗效果。
Objective To determine the proportion of polydrug use among heroin addicts attending methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) clinics and to identify its associated risk factors. Methods This study was conducted in 6 MMT clinics in 3 provinces, and 1 202 clients who met the study criteria were selected from these clinics. Urine samples were collected as a biological marker to identify if heroin , methamphetamine, ecstasy, benzodiaz- epine or buprenorphine had been used. Then, a questionnaire was used to collect demographic information and information on polydrug use-related behaviors. Results The average age of the i 202 clients was 39.7±6.8 years . Among them, 75.7% were males, and 62.5% had an education of primary school or below and 56.7% were jobless. The average length of drug use was 15.6±4.8 years. 156 (12.9%) clients continued to use heroin and 426 clients (35.4%) used other drugs in the last 6 months during MMT . Residence areas, employment status, relationship with family, the average daily methadone dosage, and other drugs use were associated with heroin use (P〈0.05). Residence areas, employment status, casual sex partners, treatment duration, having other drugs use experience before MMT, high-frequency of heroin use during MMT were found to be significantly associated with other drugs use (P〈0.05). Conclusion Continued heroin use and other drugs use were common in MMT clinics. Interventions for polydrug use should be strengthened in order to improve the effectiveness of MMT.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
中国多学科艾滋病结核防治培训(项目编号5U2RTW 006918)~~
Methadone maintenance treatment
Polydrug use
Risk factors