通过太湖浮游植物群落生态学的研究 ,对太湖春季水质污染及富营养化进行总评及分区评价。就太湖总体而论 ,藻量均值达 2 88× 1 0 6个细胞 /L ,硅藻指数 1 1 0 ,污染指示种占 58 8% ,各样点多以蓝藻 (微囊藻为主 )占优势 ,其分布频度达 1 0 0 % ,多度达 6 5 5% ,表明太湖受到中等程度的污染。与过去同期太湖浮游植物的调查资料对比表明人为富营养化进程有所减缓。
The ecological features of phytoplankton community were preliminarily studied in the Taihu Lake.The trophic level and saprobic degree of the lake were evaluated in whole and in sub areas respectively.The annual mean density of phytoplankton reached 2 88×10 6 per liter for cells.The diatom biotic index was 110 and the saprobic indicators comprised 58 8 % of total species in the community.The sampling station were almost entirely consisting of blue green algae especially microaystis ,it had higher frequency and greater abundance to the dominant species of planktonic algae.Their frequency attained 100 %, and abundance 65 5 %. All these indicated that the lake had suffered from moderate pollution.
Environment Herald