
50例磨牙隐裂的保存治疗的临床疗效观察 被引量:1

Clinical Effect Observation of 50 Cases about Preservation Treatment of Cracked Molars
摘要 目的:分析磨牙隐裂后的临床特点,探讨保存治疗,恢复咀嚼功能的意义。方法:对临床确诊的50例磨牙隐裂进行综合治疗。(1)对有深纹,牙髓活力正常,伴有过敏症状者,调。(2)对伴有牙髓炎或根尖病变者,为防止患牙折裂,经后牙带环外固定,调,常规根管治疗后,观察2周,无症状者,以金属烤瓷牙全冠修复,2年后分析其疗效。结果:通过以上综合治疗,有保存意义的隐裂磨牙经金属烤瓷全冠修复,完全修复患牙正常结构和咀嚼功能45例,失败5例,有效率达90%。结论:对隐裂磨牙采取及时适当的综合治疗,以及综合治疗后全冠修复,绝大多数可保存患牙,恢复咀嚼功能,治疗效果良好。 Objective: Based on the clinical features of cracked molars, the methods explor- ing conservative treatment to restore mastication have been studied. Methods: 50 cases clinical definite of cracked molar were treated synthetically. (1) Make occlusal adjustment for those that are on a deep pattern, the normal pulp, companied by allergic symptoms. (2) Make occlusal ad- justment for those that are associated with pulpitis or periapical lesion, in order to prevent the teeth fracturing, through the teeth with ring external fixation. After conventional root canal treat- ment, patients were observed for two weeks. Those who were asymptomatic were entire crown re- paired with metal ceramic dental. Two years later, the efficacy was analyzed. Results: Through the above comprehensive treatment, after entire crown repairing with metal ceramic dental, 45 cases of the racked molar having preserved significance were restored in the normal structure and masti- catory function fully. The effective rate is 90%, and only five cases failed. Conclusion: Prompt and appropriate synthetic treatment and entire crown repairing can save most of cracked molars and help them regain masticatory function. The effect of treatment is significant and effective.
作者 王亚玲
出处 《江汉大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期97-99,共3页 Journal of Jianghan University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 隐裂磨牙 根管治疗 带环 全冠修复 : cracked molars root-canal therapy band complete coronal restoration
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