After quantative analyses of the development of culture industry in Dongting Lake Area through the method of princi- pal component analyses with the help of SPSS16.0 and EXCEL softeware, the authors reach the conclusion that the develop- ment of this area is uneven. For the perspective of cultural production and outer environment, it maintains a medium, even low- er- medium level in Hunan; For cultural demand and supply and relevant industries, it is in a medium or upper-medium level, when referring to its comprehensive development, it stands in the middle. In view of the above-mentioned conditon, this paper puts forward a series of strategic decisions on the development of cultural industry in this area, which include the promotion of the development and utilization of cultural resources to strengthen cultural industries, the implementation of the Sei-Teeh tal- ents strategy to improve the competitiveness of cultural industries, the broadening of financing channels to increase investment in cultural industries, the strengthening of the related industries to form characteristic cultural industry chain, the carrying out of brand strategy to highlight the characteristics of cultural industries in Dongting Lake Area and the improvement of policies , laws and regulations to provide policy support and legal protection.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
DongtingLake Area
culture industries
principal component analysis
strategic decisions