利用对硝基苯胺增敏的 L uminol- HRP- H2 O2 化学发光反应不断产生自由基中间体的机理 ,通过血清中抗氧化剂对自由基的清除作用 ,测定血清抑制化学发光的时间来评价血清的抗氧化能力。对 40个血清样品分析表明 :男性血清抗氧化能力稍大于女性。
p Nitraniline as an enhancer to the Luminol HRP H 2O 2 Chemiluminscent reaction is reported. The Continuous light output depends on constant production of free radical intermediates, which is sensitive to interfence by radical scavenging antioxidants, such as human serum, The interval of light emission is linearly related to the molar quantity of the antioxidant. In this way, we can quantify the total antioxidant capacity in human serum. The results of 40 samples show that normal ranges are slightly higher in males serum than in females.
Applied Chemical Industry