通用地震数据采集器EDAS-24GN引入一种新型的数据传输方式,通过AT91SAM9263CPU板带有的同步串行控制器进行数据传输,可以有效解决前一种方式存在的问题。经过实验验证,新型的数据传输方式在每秒传输50 kB数据时,引起的中断次数只有十几次,有效提高了CPU处理效率,且不存在数据丢失现象。
The data transformation between CPU and AD in earthquake acquisition system is usually through serial port or FIFO buffer. There are some questions existing in this method: many interruptions lead to lower CPU processing efficiency; transferring rate is Mow and data will be lost when CPU is overloaded. A new data transferring method is used in EDAS-24GN. It is effective to solve the problems of previous method through SSC which is one part of AT91SAM9263 CPU. This new method has been verified that only several interruptions will be arose when more than 50 kB data is transferred and no data will be lost.
Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research