通过收集 1 0 8块杉木人工林样地资料 ,应用回归分析 ,建立林分地表可燃物载量与主要林分因子动态关系的数学模型 .检验结果表明 ,林分因子对地表可燃物载量变化有极显著的影响 .林分郁闭度主要影响地表 1 h时滞可燃物载量变化 ,林分平均年龄主要影响地表 1 0 h时滞可燃物载量的变化 .在实际中拟合效果良好 ,可用于预测杉木人工林地表可燃物载量的动态规律 。
Based on the data collected from 108 sample plots on the Chinese fir plantation, the regression analysis was applied , and the mathematical models of developments correlation between the surface fuel loading and the characteristes of stand was established in this paper. The results showed that the effect of all stand facters on the surface fuel loading were outstanding, but the close canopy mainly affect the 1h time tag surface fuel loading, and stand average age mainly affect 10h time tag surface fuel loading. it could be used to forecast dynamic regular of the surface fuel loadings of Chinese fir plantation and provide scientific basis for the management of surface fuel.
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry