本文综述了欧洲白垩纪非海相软体动物群,列出了主要产自英格兰南部、法国和西班牙早白垩世的16个不同沉积层的59个分类单元。淡水动物群以珠蚌类双壳类和田螺类腹足类为主,但在有些地点也存有肺螺类腹足类。这些化石类群与现代类型很相似,说明白垩纪淡水中的水草、氧气与营养环境良好。在欧特里沃期和巴列姆期,淡水与边缘海环境中的动物群组成都发生了显著的变化。欧洲的淡水生物群落早在巴列姆期就已存在,此时的有些类群,如著名的Mar garitifera(s.l.)valdensis在欧洲西部有着广泛的分布。英格兰南部的早白垩世韦尔登群被认为是欧洲最连续的非海相白垩纪地层,其上部的生物群可与西班牙的LasHoyas动物群和法国的Wassy动物群相对比。这3个动物群,以及法国侏罗(汝拉)和英格兰南部波倍克的侏罗纪-白垩纪的过渡生物群——Purbeck动物群,是了解欧洲白垩纪淡水动物群的关键动物群。
Non-marine mollusc faunas from the Cretaceous of Europe are listed and reviewed. Fifty-nine taxa are re- corded from sixteen different deposits. The majority of sites are Early Cretaceous, principally from southern England, France and Spain. The freshwater fauna is dominated by unionid bivalves and viviparid gastropods, however pulmonate gastropods are also present at a number of localities. Analogous modern taxa indicate that Cretaceous freshwater habi- tats were well weeded, oxygen and nutrient-rich environments. Major change occurred in the composition of the fauna in both freshwater and marginal marine settings during the Hauterivian and Barremian. Some taxa, notably Margaritif- era (s.1.) valdensis were widely dispersed across western Europe by the Barremian, when a European freshwater com- munity had developed. The Early Cretaceous Wealden Group of southern England is considered to be the most continuous non-marine Cretaceous sequence in Europe, and the fauna in its upper parts provides links with Las Hoyas (Spain) and Wassy (France). These three faunas along with the Jurassic-Cretaceous transitional Purbeck faunas of the French Jura and Purbeck (southern England) are considered key to understanding the European Cretaceous freshwater fauna.
Journal of Stratigraphy
the project CGL2009-11838(Government of Spain)
support from the SYNTHESYS Project http://www.synthesys.info/which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 Integrating Activities Programme
The support of the Palaeontology Investment Fund of The Natural History Museum