目前大量的便携式电子设备使用了Google系统所开发并且推广的基于linux的Android平台,但是由于在便携性和经济型方面的考虑,这类设备在设计之初的时候自带的存储空间十分有限,在部分的Android嵌入式开发板中甚至连基本的Android文件系统都无法安装到Flash Rom中去,本文介绍了一种分布式网络文件共享系统来解决这个问题。
At present,plenty of portable electronic equipments use Android platform based on linux,which is developed and popularized by Google.However,considering portability and economy,storage space of these equipments is quite limited at the beginning of design.Even more,on some parts of embedded boards of Android,basic Android file system cannot be installed on Flash Rom.To solve this problem,the author introduces a distributed network file sharing system in this paper.
Journal of Xichang University(Natural Science Edition)