
从丽江旅游透析当代“隐逸”现象 被引量:2

Modern Seclusion from the Perspective of Lijiang Tourism
摘要 现代的隐逸是实为向主流文化靠拢却表现为对其"不屑"的悖论,且"隐者"的参与使得旅游关系复杂化,当地文化经"转述"可能丧失本来面目,比如"隐者"在丽江建立起的不是一个"绿色生态系统",而是一个倚仗自然生态和民族风情、依附于旅游业的经济系统。 Modern hermit is a paradox that gets close to mainstream culture when expressing disdain and meanwhile the participation of the hermits makes tourism relationship much more complicated. Local culture may lose its true face" after "retelling", for example, what the hermits build in Lijiang is an economic system relying on natural ecology and ethnic customs and attached to tourism rather than a " green ecological system".
作者 朱立嘉
出处 《云南电大学报》 2012年第2期41-44,共4页 Journal of Yunnan Rty University
关键词 当代 隐逸 伪逆城市化 犬儒主义 modem, hermit, pseudo - inverse urbanization, cynicism
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