目的探讨卵巢甲状腺肿(SO)的MRI表现和病理学特征。方法回顾性分析7例手术病理证实为SO的临床资料及MRI表现,与病理学所见进行对照分析。结果 7例均为单侧卵巢发病,肿块3.2~13.3 cm,平均7.8cm。囊实性5例,囊性2例,有分隔,分隔及囊壁增厚,不同囊腔信号可不均等。实性部分呈等T_1、等或稍高T_2信号;囊性部分呈长T_1、长T_2信号,或稍短T_1、长T_2信号,其中5例囊内见非压脂T_2WI极低信号、T_1WI等信号区;囊壁及分隔呈等T_1、等T_2信号。增强扫描实性部分明显强化,囊壁及分隔中度强化,囊性部分无强化。镜下肿瘤实质大部分由甲状腺组织组成,其中3例合并有皮脂腺、钙化等成分。肿瘤内衬单层柱状或扁平上皮,见成熟甲状腺滤泡,大小不一,腔内可见红染的胶冻样物质,无异形性。结论卵巢甲状腺肿MRI表现有一定的特征性(囊内出现非压脂T_2WI极低信号、T_1WI等信号改变),MRI平扫加增强扫描是诊断卵巢甲状腺肿有价值的方法。
Objective To study the MR imaging and pathological features of struma ovarii (SO). Methods The clinical features and MRI of 7 patients with pathologically confirmed SO were analyzed retrospectively and compared with pathological findings. Results SO was unilateral in all patients (right: 5, left: 2) with ovarian size varying from 3.2 to 13.3 cm and average diameter of 7.8 cm. The ovaries were mixed solid and cystic in 5 and cystic in 2 patients with thick septa and walls. The solid components were T1 isointense, T2 iso- to slightly hyperintense whereas the cystic components had long T1 and T2 signals, or short T1 and long T2 signals. In 5 patients, there were intracystic areas of intermediate T1 and very low T2 signals with T1 and T2 isointense cyst walls. The solid components enhanced markedly; the cyst walls and septa enhanced moderately; the cystic portions did not enhance. On light microscopy,the solid components were ectopic thyroid tissues associated with sebaceous glands and calcification in 3 patients. The SO was lined with simple columnar or squamous cells with variable sized thyroid follicles containing jelly-like substance and no atypia. Conclusion SO has characteristic MRI findings of intermediate T1 and very low T2 signals combined with contrast enhancement.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology
Struma ovarii
Magnetic resonance imaging