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6Yoo B.& Donthu,N."Developing and Validating a Multidimensional Consumer-based Brand Equity Scale",Journal of Business Research,2001,52,1-14. 被引量:1
7Rhee,J.W.,Kim,E.& Shim,M.Does Quality Matter in Television? Program Quality and Rating as Determinants of Television Channel Brand Equity,Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association,Sheraton New York,New York City,NY,2009-02-05. 被引量:1
8Oyedeji,T.A."The Relation Between the Customer-Based Brand Equity of Media Outlets and Their Media Channel Credibility:An Exploratory Study".International Journal on Media Management,2007,9(3),116-125. 被引量:1
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