简要介绍了先进非高炉炼铁技术的发展现状,对Midrex、HYL/HYL Energiron、Corex、Finex和ITmk3工艺的成熟性、生产成本、投资费用和环境友好性进行了对比分析,得出经济上较具优势的为Midrex和HYL/HYL Energiron工艺,并指出Midrex和HYL/HYL Energ-iron工艺在我国应用存在的问题和需要进一步研究的课题。
This paper introduces the latest developments on advanced ironmaking processes by non-blast furnace and then their maturity,production cost,capitalized cost and environmental protection relating to these ironmaking processes such as Midrex,HYL/HYL Energiron,Corex,Finex and ITmk3 are analyzed based on comparison.It is concluded that these two processes of Midrex and HYL/ HYL Energiron have an economic advantage.Finally this paper points out some current problems in application of Midrex and HYL/Energiron in our country and some research issues which are needed to be investigated.
Angang Technology