装配顺序规划 (ASP)是基于装配建模的装配工艺顺序的自动规划生成 ,是DFA(面向装配的设计 )的关键技术之一。本文采用配合条件法进行装配顺序求解 ,装配体采用其部件与部件间的配合关系来描述 ,从部件间的配合关系可得到其装配体配合图。本文还在原算法的基础上添加了一些约束来降低算法的计算量 ,使得算法更为简洁。该法在AutoCAD○R设计平台上实现 ,并采用装配体实例加以检验。
Assembly Sequence Planning(ASP) is automatic generation of assembly procedure based on assembly modeling.And the research ofASP is one of the key techniques of DFA. This paper chooses the algorithm of mating conditions to solve the problem. In this work,the components of an assembly and their mutual relations in this assembly, especially the mating conditions,describe the assembly.From the mating conditions of the components,an assembly procedure is generated in two steps. The paper adds some constraints to lower the amount of the calculation of the original algorithm,making the algorithm more consummate.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
航空基础科学基金资助项目! ( 97H 531 1 2 98H530 67)
863/CIMS资助项目! ( 863 51 1 842 0 0 9)