借鉴逐步分析判别法和相应的农业产业化评价体系,选用1995—2009的有关数据,对中国农业产业化水平进行测度,结果表明:中国农业产业化自从1987年提出后,1999年之前处于起步阶段,1999年至今一直处于成长阶段。而以柯布—道格拉斯生产函数为基础,选用全国30个省(市、区)1999—2009年的数据,建立面板数据分析模型对农业产业化和农民收入的关系进行实证研究,结果表明:农业产业化发展对农民收入有着明显的正向作用;东、中、西部地区农业产业化对农民收入的贡献率分别为0.285 2、0.280 3、0.008 5,区域之间存在差异。
Referencing the discriminance of stepwise analysis, according to relevant evaluate systems of agricultural industrialization, this paper measure the level of agricultural industrialization in China by choosing the relevant data from 1995 to 2009,and the result shows that: the level of agricultural industrialization is at the start stage from 1987 to 1998,and at the growth stage from 1999 till now. Based on Cobb - Douglas production function, selected panel data within 30 provinces from 1999 to 2008, established panel data analysis model, this paper empirically analyzes the effect of the development of agricultural industrialization on income of farmers by choosing individual fixed effect model. Empirical study results: the development of Chinese agricultural industrialization plays a positive role in farmers' income, and the contribution rate in eastern, central and western region are 0.2852, 0.2803, 0.008 5 respectively.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Social Sciences)
agricultural industrialization
level measure
peasant income
regional comparison