
宫腔镜防治人工流产术后宫腔粘连的时机探讨 被引量:4

To investigate the timing of hysteroscopy in the prevention of intrauterine adhesions after abortion
摘要 目的:探讨宫腔镜防治人工流产术后宫腔粘连的最佳镜检时机。方法:选择2010-05-2011-03期间我院门诊诊治的80例人工流产术后未来有生育要求的患者,按人工流产术后复诊时间分两组进行宫腔镜检,三个月内组为A组,三个月以后组为B组,比较两组镜检及治疗结果。结果:A组发现的宫腔粘连多为Ⅰ~Ⅱ度,B组发现的宫腔粘连多为Ⅲ~Ⅳ度,说明宫腔粘连的发生程度与术后时间存在明显关联。A组宫腔镜电切治疗后月经恢复率比B组高。结论:人工流产术后早期宫腔镜检,能及时发现宫腔粘连的发生,有效预防、阻止宫腔粘连的发展,宫腔粘连的早期发现和治疗能改善患者生育条件,有利于提高术后妊娠率。 Objective:To investigate the best time of hysteroscopy in the prevention of intrauterine adhesions after Abortion Method:80 cases of outpatients with future fertility requirements were selected from May 2010 to March 2011 in our study. All the cases were divided into two groups according to the referral time after abortion: Group A, referral within three months; Group B, referral after three months. Hysteroscopy examinations were performed in both the two groups and the results were compared between the two groups. Result.. Most intrauterine adhesions revealed in group A were Ⅰ - Ⅱ degree and were Ⅲ - Ⅳ degree in group B. The outcome indicated that the de- gree of intrauterine adhesions is associated with postoperative time. Conclusion: Early hysteroseopy examination af- ter abortion can detect the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions timely and prevent the development of intrauterine adhesion effectively. Timely detection and treatment of intrauterine adhesion can improve fertility conditions and increase postoperative preenanev rate.
出处 《临床急诊杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期196-198,共3页 Journal of Clinical Emergency
关键词 宫腔镜 宫腔粘连 人工流产 hysteroscopy intrauterine adhesion abortion
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