目的 :探讨鳃裂囊肿的诊断和治疗。方法 :分析了本院 1990— 1999年所收治的 5 9例鳃裂囊肿临床资料。结果 :好发部位在第二鳃弓 ,第一鳃弓也可发病 ;肿块大、病程长增加手术难度 ,本组病例均经手术切除并经病理证实。结论 :鳃裂囊肿临床少见 ,临床对怀疑鳃裂囊肿的肿块 ,可行细针穿刺细胞学 ,B超及CT检查 。
Purpose:To study the diagnosis and treatment of branchiogenic cyst. Methods:Fifty nine cases of branchial cleft cyst treated in Cancer Hospital of Shanghai Medical University from 1990 to 1999 were analysed. Results:The branchial cleft cysts more frequently arose from the second branchial pouches and also from the first pouches. The operation was more difficult when the neck mass was bigger and the history was longer. All our cases were completely excised and had pathological proof. Conclusions:The branchila cleft cyst is a rare disease. The FNA aspiration histopathologic examination, B ultrasonography and CT can help the diagnosis of the nech mass which is clinically suspected as branchiogenic cyst. The optimal treatment is the early diagnosis an complete excision.
China Oncology